(501) 414-8096 commercial insurance trucking insurance insurance broker
(501) 414-8096 commercial insurance trucking insurance insurance broker
A unique “hybrid” dental insurance plan combining traditional dental insurance with network providers’ discounts. A new breed of dental plans that cover the services you want at a price you can afford.
Take advantage of network provider’s discount pricing.
No waiting periods on Diagnostic & Preventative services
-->Diagnostic & Preventative paid at 100% when using a network provider
-->No waiting periods on Major service. You will receive pre-negotiated prices when using a network service provider
-->Freedom of choice. Unlike many plans that will not pay anything if you go outside their network, Dental Choice Plus will pay the non-network provider at the same rate as if they were in network. You will only be responsible for any non-network charges that are in excess of the pre-negotiated network fees schedule.
Insurance Calendar Year Maximum per person per calendar year
--> $1,500
--> $2,000
--> Orthodontic and Prosthodontics Lifetime Maximum ($1,000 Lifetime Max, Limited to $350 per Calendar Yr. per each benefit listed)
There are Limitations and Exclusions which are NOT listed on this page. Please contact us for full details.
There are:
--> Limitations on Optional Services
--> Exclusions
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